
Command Line

git lint [options] [filenames]


-o <linters>, –only=<linters>
A comma-separated list of only those linters to run.
-x <linters> –exclude=<linters>
A comma-separated list of linters to skip.
-l, –linters
Show the list of configured linters.
-b, –base
Check all changed files from GIT_DIR, not just those in the current directory and down.
-a, –all
Scan all files, not just those that have changed.
-e, –every
Scan all files, not just those that have changed, from GIT_DIR. Short for -b -a
-w, –workspace
Scan the workspace [default]
-s, –staging
Scan the staging area (useful for pre-commit).
-c <path>, –config=<path>
Path to config file
-t, –bylinter
Group reports by linter first as they appear in the config file [default]
-f, –byfile
Group reports by file first, linter second
-d, –dryrun
Report what git-lint would do, but don’t actually do anything.
-q, –quiet
Produce a short report of file that failed to pass.
-h, –help
Print a short help message
-V, –verbose
Print a slightly more verbose long report
-v, –version
Print version information

As a pre-commit hook:

There’s a file, pre-commit, in the /bin directory with the project. (Or you can download it from the github repository.) Install it in you .git/hooks/pre-commit file, and chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit.

The pre-commit hook is experimental. Please be careful with it.